Friday, November 15, 2019

Medieval-Enlightenment Humanities

My second-year students have worked really hard this semester. Below, a tribute to them: the list of works whose excerpts they valiantly soldiered through at the behest of their crazy instructor. (I didn't fully realize how crazy this was until I actually sat down to type out the list. Yikes.)

St. Benedict, Rule of St. Benedict
Einhard, Life of Charlemagne
Letters from King Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII
Magna Carta
St. Thomas Aquinas, On Kingship
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica
Canons of Lateran IV
The Rule of the Franciscan Order
The Primitive Constitutions of the Order of Friars Preacher
Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ
Giovanni Boccacio, Decameron
Canons of the Council of Constance
Dante, Inferno (no excerpting here--we walked alongside Virgil & his pupil to the depths of despair)
Diary of Christopher Columbus
Nican Mopohua
Bartolomeo de las Casas, A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies
Petrarch, On His Own Ignorance
Machiavelli, The Prince
Martin Luther, 95 Theses and Babylonian Captivity
John Calvin, Genevan Catechism and Institutes
Schleitheim Confession
39 Articles of the Church of England
William Roper, Life of Sir Thomas More
Canons of the Council of Trent
St. Francis de Sales, The Catholic Controversy
St. Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises
St. Teresa of Avila, Interior Castle
Galileo, Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina
Francis Bacon, aphorisms from the Novum Organum
Descartes, Discourse on Method (and a short jaunt into Meditations on First Philosophy for my favorite Descartes passage)
John Locke, Second Treatise on Civil Government and Letter Concerning Toleration
Luigi Giussani, The Religious Sense

1 comment:

  1. Guissani!! I haven’t read The Religious Sense but I just (re)read The Risk Of Education and loved it.
